Sales Navigator Training Sessions

As part of your Sales Navigator Licence from OT Group, FREE training sessions are included for you to get the most out of the platform.

The better your skills with sales navigator, the more you will get out from it.

Sales Navigator Quick Start Guide

Build Your Professional Brand

The Fundamentals of Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator: Essentials

Get Responses with InMail

Find and Prioritize Prospects

Advanced Sales Navigator Tips

Quick Videos

Use these quick self-serve videos to speed up your processes

Finding Support for Sales Navigator

Smart Links: Sharing and Analytics

Creating a New Contact or Lead

Creating a New Contact or Lead

Get Started with OT Group

In order to purchase through this solution, you will need to award OT Group with a call-off contract.

To Award OT Group with a call-off contract, Please complete the documents below:

To complete a direct award, please complete the document below:

You can then register for an account with OT Group by filling in the OT Group Application form:

Your registration has been sent

Your Application has been sent

One of our team will be in contact soon.